The exhibition is held as the artist ́s award within the competition of the 7th Prize of
Critique for a Young Painting
Curator – Vlasta Čiháková Noshiro
Graphic design - Jan Novák
Video - Eliška Vojtkova
Catalogue potography - Tomáš Souček
18. 12. 2014, 6:00 p.m., in Gallery of Art Critics, Palace Adria 1. F.,
Jungmannova 31/36, 110 00 Praha 1
úterý 23. prosince 2014
pátek 5. prosince 2014
Česká malba / exhibition in Piešťany (SK)
collective exhibition with
Jaroslava Kadlecova and Peter Gruber
exhibition view (paintings on the right by Petr Gruber)
Structure X., 180cm x 300cm, oil on canvas, 2014
středa 12. listopadu 2014
sobota 14. června 2014
diploma work - instalation in GAVU
Structure VII. 180cm x 300cm, oil on canvas, 2014
City. 180cm x 300cm, oil on canvas, 2014
Structure IX, Quarry, Structure VII.
180cm x 150cm, oil on canvas, 2014
180cm x 150cm, oil on canvas, 2014
Shining City I. and II.. 180cm x 150cm, oil on canvas, 2014
pondělí 21. dubna 2014
neděle 20. dubna 2014
Cena kritiky za mladou malbu
1. místo / 1st place
Struktura VI. 180x150cm, epoxid and oil on cancas
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